In this example you can see the different glyphs used in the same word, one with Contextual Alternates off and one with it on. Use the Contextual Alternates toggle button on the InfoBar to turn the alternates on and off for any character selection. In the following example, with Contextual Ligatures on the character pair “ft” appears using a different glyph, depending on the other characters around it.Ĭontextual Alternates Some fonts provide alternative glyph designs for the same ligatures. The option to turn on Contextual Ligatures is an addition to the Ligatures menu in v16. So the actual ligature used for a given character combination may vary depending on what characters precede and follow the combination that is replaced. But OpenType also includes more complex substitution rules to determine which ligature glyphs should be used, where the substitution depends not only on the actual characters replaced but also on the context in which those characters appear. For example with ligatures switched on the two character sequence could be replaced by the single ligature glyph. Contextual Ligatures Earlier versions of Designer recognize sequences of two or more characters that can be replaced by a single ligature glyph that is provided by the font for that particular character combination.

This makes it easier to see the effects the different options will have on your text, if you choose to apply them.
Dynamic On-Canvas Preview Now when you select some text and move your mouse pointer over the different options in the Ligatures, Stylistic Sets and Text Capitalization menus, your text will update dynamically to show you a preview of what the option will do.

Addition of Contextual Alternates toggle button (under the Open Type Alternates button from March 2019).Addition of Text Capitalization button and menu.Ligature and Stylistic Set options separated into two separate buttons and menus.OpenType Improvements The Advanced Text Tool InfoBar has the following changes: An orphan (highlighted) joins its paragraph when Widows and Orphans is applied All these options work the same way where text flows from one linked text area to another (in multi- column pages), as well as from page to page. Find the option on the Advanced text bar - it’s one of the Paragraph Options. And similarly it prevents the last line of a paragraph flowing to the next page on its own (a widow line). v16 adds an additional option that prevents the first line of a paragraph being left behind on one page when the rest of the paragraph has flowed onto the next page (an orphan line). Earlier versions also have Keep Lines Together, which is used to prevent a paragraph of text becoming split across two pages (the whole paragraph moves if it won’t entirely fit in the current page).

Text Improvements Widows & Orphans Earlier versions of Designer have support for Keep With Next, which helps prevent headings being left on their own at the bottom of a page, when the body text following them has flowed to the next page.